Dear Parents and Caregivers:

We are worried about parking lot traffic and congestion at bell times, and possible injury to someone in our school community.

The parking lot at Forest Hill is ONLY for staff and volunteers. Except for before/after school care, please DO NOT drop off or pick up students in the parking lot or school bus zone before 9:30 AM or after 3:00 PM.

If you drive your child to or from school, you need to park on a side street (see map below). The nearest side streets are Village Road and Stonybrook Drive. There are walking paths from these streets to the school yard. You may also drop off on Village Road west where students can walk to the crossing guard.

Not following these expectations risks serious injury, damage to vehicles, or traffic fines.

We’re grateful for everyone’s help to resolve this matter in the interest of student safety.

In partnership,

Brad Hughes, Principal
and Forest Hill School Council