Welcome Back Forest Hill Students & Families!

We hope you’ve had a wonderful summer!  Class Lists will be posted at the back of the school at the end of the day on Friday, August 30th.  See you on Tuesday, September 3rd at 9:00! Meet-the-Teacher Night & BBQ  Thursday, Sept. 5th, 2013  BBQ starts at 5:30 p.m. Available for Sale: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs […]

Last Day of School and the Year End Assembly

The last day of school for this year will be on Thursday, June 27th.  We will be following our regular school times on this day. We are holding a year end assembly on this last day which will take place on  at 9:30 am.

Report Cards Coming Home

On Monday, June 24th Report Cards for ALL students will be coming home for parents to read. Please take some time to go over your child’s report card with them.  Complete the reflection section of the report card, sign this page and return it back to the school by Thursday, June 27th.

WE DAY Celebration

We celebrate a special week of activities and a whole year of raising money and support to help build a school in Sierra Leone on Friday, June 21.  We have an assembly to wrap things up for the year on this day.  Students are encouraged to wear their WE DAY T-shirt or bright coloured clothes on […]

Bike Safety Festival

On Thursday June 20th from 6 to 8 pm Forest Hill is hosting an evening where everything about your bicycle is going to be dealt with. Come and have your bicycle tuned up by professional bike mechanics for FREE!   Learn how to adjust and wear your helmut for maximum safety.  Take your bike for a […]

Junior Area Track Meet

During the morning of Monday, June 17th our grade 4, 5 and 6 student athletes will be competing at our Area Track & Field meet @ Jacob Hespler S.S. in Hespler.  Parents are welcome to watch and cheer on their children.  Events go from 9:45 am until noon.

Upcoming Dates

Monday, May 20th – Victoria Day Holiday Friday, May 31st – P.A. Day (no school for students)

Forest Hill’s Musical “Annie”!

Please join us for our mini-musical production of “Annie” on Monday, June 10th or Tuesday, June 11th from 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. in our new gym!  No tickets are required and all are welcome!

Class Photo Day – Wed. May 15th

Remember to dress your best for Class Photo Day on Wednesday, May 15th!

Music Monday – May 6th

On Monday, May 6, you are invited to drop in to hear our grade 1 to 6 students sing “Is Somebody Singing” as part of the first Earth to Space Music Monday Event.  Starting at 12:30 p.m., astronaut Chris Hadfield will be singing from the International SpacStation along with students from across Canada. In order […]

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